Customized consultancy
Flexi is able to offer a 360-degree personalized consultancy service to package the product in the most attractive, practical and economical way.
By providing in-depth knowledge of processes, materials and product packaging technologies in the world of flexible packaging, Flexi is able to find the best possible solutions to meet every need, while preserving and maintaining the quality of the supplied product.
Furthermore, thanks to the constant updating on new market trends and the possibility of designing and implementing customized solutions, Flexi can accompany the customer throughout the development process, from conception to realization, especially if it is a new product or a new line.
Flexi is in fact able to follow the project from the first feasibility studies, to the packaging tests, making the internal research and development laboratory available; from consultancy and graphic customization to the production of individual samples up to the creation of the final product.
Full service
Flexi is the ideal partner to develop the right solution even starting from just an idea.
By providing its experience, expertise in the sector and a network of relationships with product formulators, Flexi broadens the offer to the customer by offering a complete, turnkey service, available for various types of products.
Flexi will take care of everything: from selecting and proposing different types of bulk to the graphic layout to choosing the most appropriate packaging. Just provide the logo for the customization of the packaging and a new line will be ready to offer to customers.

Secondary packaging
Boxes, cases, wrappers, caskets and displays are often necessary to display or sell a certain product.
Flexi is the flexible solution to manage the complexity of relationships with the multitude of suppliers that the creation of a product entails.
Flexi has a dedicated department that deals with making secondary packaging at the end of the primary packaging production process, customized to the customer’s needs: gluing the sachets on folders and postcards, inserting products in folders, cases or bags in quantity variable, creation and assembly of counter displays and many other solutions for an easy sale or distribution of products.